How To Have A High-Vibe Home!

Hey there!

If you’re here, you might be one of those people that are into the good “vibes.”

And if you’re not, that’s okay.. you don’t have to be all into vibrations, frequencies, and positive energy and all that, but I do bet you’re into making your home feel good.

Sometimes our space can start to feel a little claustrophobic, stagnant, dingy, dull..

And that can take a toll on our own energy, without us even being aware of it.

How many times have you rearranged your furniture and you kinda sorta felt like a brand new person?

Or.. organize a junk drawer and feel like you lost 15 pounds!

Our environment matters.

Maintaining good energy in our home can help keep us happy and in good energy.

Not to mention, it can help us get inspired, stay creative, and even rest and relax deeper.

It’s also a great way to share that good energy with your family and friends that you share your space with.

Trust me, energy can be felt in the space.

Where you intentionally place things, the lighting, the cleanliness, and even the happiness of your pets.. it all makes a difference.

I absolutely love when people step into our apartment and say, “Wow, it feels so good in here,” or, “This place has such good vibes.”

It happens.. a lot.

(Seriously, almost every time someone steps in here.)

I used to not think much of it, but now, I’m realizing.. okay, all the things I do for me to feel good in my space is making my space feel good to others too.

It’s time to share what that is!


I’m a proud homebody.

Don’t get me wrong.. I love nature and the outdoors, but I spend a lot of time in my home, especially now that I’m a stay at home mom, and I absolutely looove making it feel good and comfortable.

I fell in love with taking excellent care of my own vibration, and in doing so, take good care of the energy in the home.

It’s the space where I arrange all our healthy groceries (aka natural medicine), cook yummy meals for my husband, organize all our precious things, entice rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation, and set the tone for creativity and learning.

I feel like my energy radiates and reflects onto my surroundings.

As I describe in a lot of my blogs, I went through a transformation in 2020- from heartbroken and in a rut to healthy, full of self-love, and high freaking vibing like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

During my transformation, I learned how to take care of my energy and that my environment made a huge impact on how I felt.

I removed everything from my past that I no longer wanted to associate with, I dusted and wiped things clean with the intention of “washing” away the old and starting fresh, I put beautiful crystals and plants everywhere, saged a lot, lit incense, and stuck sticky notes with positive messages on cabinets, mirrors and doors.

It felt absolutely ahhh-mazing.

It was like a transformative sanctuary.

Still to this day, and even now that I live with my husband and our little 4-month-old baby, the energy feels light, happy, inspiring, and I take great pleasure in always sprucing and stirring the energy up.

Here’s what I do to make our home feel this way 🏡 ✨

Physical Cleansing




First, it’s good to go through your things and just get rid of what no longer serves you or brings you joy.

This will get rid of old, stagnant energy in a big way because you’re getting rid of actual, physical items.

(Remember, matter is energy too!)

You can go through one room at a time with a few containers or piles: donate, trash, relocate (relocate = belongs somewhere else in the house) and try to only keep items that you love, use frequently, or want to use more frequently.

You’d be amazed at how much lighter you’ll feel after this.


At the same time that you’re decluttering, it’s a great opportunity to wipe those spaces down as well as your items.

When you take everything out of a drawer, wipe the drawer down, sort your items (donate, trash, relocate), and wipe the items down that you will keep.

You can think of it as literally clearing away the old energy of what you own.

You’re getting rid of the dust, oils, and smudges that once was, and giving all the things you own new life in a newly cleaned home of their own.

One tip I’d like to add here is to find a cleaning spray that doesn’t have harsh chemicals and that’s infused with one of your favorite essential oils.

I love to make my own DIY sprays at home!


This is also a great opportunity to show love, appreciation, and respect to all the things you own.

This is like infusing those good vibes in all your things, and when you show love to what you have, what you have shows love back to you.

While you’re picking up the items to decide whether or not to keep them and then cleansing what you do keep, you can just think thoughts of appreciation or even talk out loud.


I have to mention here too, that when you’re doing a good deep cleaning, to pay good attention to corners, crevices, and underneath things.

There’s something special about removing the dust and leaving a sparkling clean floor in a corner or underneath a sofa that you usually never think about.

Imagine that it’s like removing some negative or stagnant energy from inside the back of your mind.. leaving you a fresh new space for new opportunities.


When you can, give new life to your pillows, blankets, sheets, rugs, even the couch cushions and mattresses by fluffing, flipping, shaking, and washing.

I always imagine the old air getting pushed out from between the fibers and fresh new air filling them up with new life.

I love to throw our smaller rugs and blankets in the wash every once in a while.

Sometimes I’ll just toss things in the dryer with dryer balls and a few drops of essential oils on them.

Everything looks so much fresher after its been fluffed up ☁️

2. Organizing & Rearranging



I would say it’s probably best to do the decluttering and cleansing before this, but it really doesn’t matter.

Organizing and rearranging your things can help shift the energy in your home at any time.

What organizing does is create a home for everything in your home in a way that makes sense for how you live your life.

For example:

In your kitchen, it would make sense to put your coffee maker near or under the space where you store your coffee, tea, mugs and additives in the cupboard.

In your bathroom, you could store your phone charger in a top drawer near an outlet so you can charge your phone overnight and keep it in a space where you have to get up to turn off your alarm (helping you to actually get up when you’re supposed to and keeping those harmful EMF waves away from your brain!)

A giant bonus: organizing and decluttering makes it easier to clean your home in the future.

After you declutter, you should have less things that you need to manage and clean in the first place.

Plus, what you do have to manage is stuff you actually use and like!

And.. when everything has a home because it’s organized, you know where to put it back when you’re done using it.


Rearranging the furniture and decor in your house makes if feel like a brand new space, and in my opinion, makes you feel like a new person.

My favorite reminder to do this is for each season, rearrange things where they make sense (like plants outside in spring and summer, or in front of a window in fall and winter) and switch out decor (like changing your winter quilts, throw pillows, and mugs out for your spring ones).

One quote I found interesting was from this article on LinkedIn:

“The thought of stagnancy whether it is in life or the living space, makes us feel uncomfortable.”

To me, uncomfortable stagnant energy feels dull, boring, old, and heavy.

Imagine the energy swirling around as you move around chairs, couches, pillows.. anything!

It’s like unlocking and moving energy pools underneath and in between things, lifting vibrations, and letting new energy float around to benefit new places.

Energy Cleansing


Energy cleansing is important because emotions are energy in motion.

The energy of our environment affects our emotions and vice versa.

Here’s a few ways I energetically cleanse my home:


The way I learned to sage was to crack open a window or door to the outside, then light some sage, blow it out, and let the white smoke swirl over you and your home while thinking or saying your intentions.

Opening the window is supposed to let the negative energy leave your space while the smoke cleanses you and your space’s energy.

I like to sage every once in a while in the morning just before meditation so that I recognize the scent as a trigger for a meditative state and feel cleansed and ready to go for a new day.

I also like to sage myself, my space, and my crystals on the full and new moons before I do my rituals.

It feels good, and it smells good!

Especially the sweet rich woody palo santo wood.

Get some here!


Scent also affects our mood.

It affects our limbic system that governs emotional processing, motivation, fear, and pleasure.

It’s amazing how a certain smell can take us back to a memory of our childhood or a certain event.

Scent has vibration as well.

Lavender is used for calm and relaxation while something like rosemary is used for focus and motivation.

I prefer to use essential oils now over candles to avoid breathing in hazardous chemicals, and I feel like they leave the house feeling cleaner too.

Some ways you can use essential oils in your home are in diffusers, sprays, rollers, and diffuser sticks.


Sound is frequency and vibration travelling through the air.

Therefore, putting on some background music can certainly lift your mood, align you to higher states of consciousness, release energy blockages, and also have a therapeutic and healing effect depending on what kind you listen to.

Sound vibrations consist of different frequencies that determine the pitch (the rate of vibrations producing the highness or lowness of a tone).

These frequencies synchronize with our brainwaves and activate responses in the body.

This study describes:

“A physical therapeutic effect can be obtained at a cellular and lymphatic level due to increased fluid and cellular waste transport, increased cellular metabolism, increased blood circulation, and muscular relaxation due to a resonance response.

Within the brain, vibration hypothetically enhances flow of cerebrospinal fluid and speeds removal of metabolic waste.”

How cool is that?!

I love playing meditation music or binaural beats in the morning and during the day to raise the vibration of my home.

Turning on some high vibe music like this whether daily, weekly, or whenever you remember to, can certainly fill your space with the good vibes you intend 😊

Find your favorites and make a playlist!


I absolutely love using natural products, especially for decor in the home because it makes me feel more in touch with Mother Earth.

Using plants in the home as decor is amazing because the energy is ALIVE!

As a bonus, plants are producing more oxygen from the carbon dioxide you’re breathing out, so I like to think of it as life giving 💨

Crystals are also great for natural decor.

They are b-e-a-utiful and they hold positive vibration that can affect our environment as well as our bodies.

This article explains, “Crystals’ vibrations are said to arise from the unique way their atoms and molecules move and interact.

These vibrations and energies can then supposedly affect our human bodies—and minds.”

How is this important?

“Our bodies are dynamic, electromagnetic organisms—we have physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy flowing through us all the time.”

So working with, connecting with, or even surrounding your home with crystal energy can be uplifting and make a positive impact on your vibration.

What’s more, crystals hold different meanings and intentions.

To get the most out of your crystals, you can charge them with your intentions.

To do this, you can sit in a quiet place while holding the stones in your hands and think about your intention or goal.

It’s then thought that your intention and thought energy is absorbed into the crystalline structure of the stone and becomes activated.

Afterwards, you can place your charged crystals in your home in intentional places where you need that energy the most, and they can help you remember your purpose as you go about your your day.

Plus.. again, they’re beautiful little trinkets that add such a gorgeous natural element to your home 🔮


Ok, so we just talked about intention for crystals, but you can also set intention into your home items too.


When you’re cleaning and putting your blender after you make a smoothie, you can say (or think), “Thank you so much for always making such healthy foods for me, blending amazing life giving and healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that make me feel and look my best and help me live a long, happy, healthy life!

I love taking care of you because you take care of me.”

There, you showed love to it and set the intention that it will help you stay healthy and happy for life 🥰

Do that with lots and lots of things in your home.

You not only become super appreciative of all the things you have, but you amplify the benefits of all the things you have.


I absolutely love this one, and so will your fur babies.

Our pets are little love batteries.

Charge them up with your love and appreciation and they will radiate that throughout your home all day long.

Not long ago I read something about how house pets make your home happy.

It said that pets can help stir up stagnant energy around your home, especially in areas like the floor space, under beds, in corners, etc. because they’re little living and spiritual beings that walk about your house.

Don’t wait for your pet to ask for love, give it to them ahead of time.

Let them know you’re thinking fondly of them and surprise them with a belly rub or a treat.

Charge them up with love because you love them and so they can amplify that love in your home!

So there you have it!

Those are my main tips, both physical and energetic, for keeping the home high-vibe and feeling fresh and happy.

It brings me so much joy to do all of these things and now, share it with you 💞

I would love to hear if you try these out or if you do anything else in your home that does the same.

Leave a comment below, or feel free to follow me on Pinterest or Instagram @fitlivinginspired.

Stay fli!


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