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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

The Easiest Daily Clean Routine

Imagine waking up to a fresh, clean home every morning with an empty sink, clean dishes, an empty washer and dryer, a fresh kitchen, and everything else looking tidy and in place and.. it smells good!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

New Year Planning!

If I learned one thing in my adulthood, it’s that preparation is key..

Preparing all the ingredients and tools before starting dinner.

Preparing your to-do list the night before.

And preparing your new year at least the month before it starts.

That’s where we are today.

And that’s part of the magic of December.

Besides Santa Claus of course 🎅🏼✨

Here are a few exercises to prepare for a great new year in 2024!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Monthly Moon Magic Cleaning Routine

Harmonizing my energy with my cleaning routine using the moon cycle as my guide has helped me:

enjoy every phase of the clean routine

avoid burnout

have more time for other things (besides cleaning all day and using cleaning as a way to procrastinate)

honor my energy

set good intentions into each space of our home

Best of all, our home feels thoroughly clean!

Photo by Ruvim:

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Syncing With Moon Energy🌙

Since the phases of the lunar cycle follow a natural rhythm that keeps our planet balanced and working in harmony, when we mimic or rather get back in touch with this rhythm, we too can become more harmonious in our lives.

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Help! I feel sad right now..

I’m betting that at one point (or maybe even right now) you’ve had the Sunday Blues or suddenly felt super lonely and sad for what seems like no good reason.

It feels a little like dread, doom, gloom, and that life is just difficult and meant to be so.

It might feel like depression.. and it if you think it is, it would be a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional.

But every once in a while, a feeling like this can come up and it’s totally normal.

In this blog, I will go over all the best tips I know about getting rid of the blues..

  • faster

  • in a healthy way

  • reducing the frequency

  • and reframing them to take advantage when they do hit

I hope this is helpful to someone out there 💗

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How To Have A High-Vibe Home!

Sometimes our space can start to feel a little claustrophobic, stagnant, dingy, dull..

And that can take a toll on our own energy, without us even being aware of it.

Maintaining good energy in our home can help keep us happy and in good energy.

Not to mention, it can help us get inspired, stay creative, and even rest and relax deeper.

It’s also a great way to share that good energy with your family and friends that you share your space with.

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Why I Chose A Natural Home Birth

But after that, I started scratching the surface and learning why some mother’s choose to birth at home.

Not surprisingly, what I found out about home birth really resonated with me and started speaking to my heart.

However, I was a little worried about what if something went wrong and we had to go to the hospital anyway, or what if I regret not taking the drugs!


Now I have to make a hard decision.

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Preparing for a Happy, Healthy Natural Home Birth

“I wasn’t thinking about much other than how I was going to birth this baby, and in the best way possible.

I did NOT want one of those movie scene labor scenarios where the lady was screaming and people in the waiting room were terrified, imagining a murder scene.

I wanted the complete opposite for me and my baby..

I wanted to be calm, relaxed, and excited for when labor was going to start.

And of course.. I didn’t want to be in excruciating pain.

I decided that a natural home birth is what resonated most with me and I took preparing for my labor pretty darn seriously.

I knew that it wouldn’t just help me through the most intense physical feat of my life, but also help my baby have a better birth.”

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Make Your Routine SMOOTHER! | Segment Intending

This blog is about making your daily routines run SMOOTHER and staying aligned with your higher self!

Get intentional, love what you do, and stay high vibe on a daily basis with your habits and routines by by practicing segment intending.

Raise your vibe and keep reaching new heights! ✨

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How to Start Segment Intending

There’s no shortcut to building habits and self-discipline to create positive behavior change.

There’s not usually a quick fix to anything that substantial, impactful, and sustainable.

This is where practice and putting in the reps come in..

That’s the fitness in fit living inspired -

We’re building our fitness for making positive changes in our life, healthy habits, and reaching and maintaining a high vibration!

We’ve gotta stay fli to stay high ;)

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How to Stop Reacting and Start Creating | Segment Intending

This post is all about getting back into creation mode, enjoying more of what we’re doing, and letting the universe help us out a little more along the way.

Learning how to segment intend throughout our day from moment to moment is an easy way to practice getting out ahead of our life a bit more, become less reactionary, more creative, and experience more magic and what we want.

Segment intending can also help us stay more in alignment with our higher selves and enjoy life more because we’re syncing up with what we want vibrationally before taking physical action.

Our actions can then become less reactive and more inspired, staying in congruence with our purpose and what we wish to experience in life.

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How to Stay Consistent to Reach Your Goals!

We all have things we want to accomplish, but we also have things we have to do by obligation. Taking action can either come easy, or sometimes seem dreadful. For things we want to stay consistent with to achieve success, but don’t always feel inspired to do, this blog will teach you how to stay persistent with doing the needful while sustaining the motivation and inspiration needed and enjoying the journey along the way :)

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

5 Ways to Not Get Bored with Habits & Consistency!

Consistency is required for success, but it can breed rigidity and tunnel vision by grinding away in one direction, sometimes losing sight on the big picture and where we’re really heading.

By consistently putting our energy into things that don’t really align to our vision, we can get burnt out and not even realize it’s happening.

If we’re spinning our wheels, but not really getting anywhere, that kills our motivation and reduces spontaneous learning and the chance to seize unexpected opportunities.

In some instances, it’s more powerful to let go, embrace the unknown, and be spontaneous!

That’s what this blog is all about - balancing consistency with spontaneity to keep our fires lit and reach our goals with more fervor!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

75-Hard Challenge (my way) + TIPS to make it easy!

I wanted to share what I did for this popular mental toughness challenge known as 75-Hard. This has by far been the most transformational thing I've ever done for myself and upleveled my life so much more than I expected. I hope this inspires and helps in some way! Stay FLI!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How to Get Started Doing (pretty much) Anything

In this post, I share the best tips I’ve learned to help get started on those tasks, projects, and goals that you either WANT to do, or HAVE to do, but don't really have the motivation or feel like starting it in the moment.

The best part, the FLI philosophy is always about making life more EASY and ENJOYABLE, and this is no exception.

Have fun living the dream!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

How I Transformed My Life With 75-Hard

All around with the physical, mental, and self-love transformation, I was quite obviously a new person.

I became an even better version of myself.

Compared to what I was feeling before starting the challenge, I was proud of myself, and felt I now had the key to completely elevate my life, whenever and however I want.

And damn, that feels good!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

5 Ways To Amplify Affirmations!

Affirmations are super fun to create and make us feel so good!

We are creators 🙌🏼

And having affirmations as part of your ritual or routine can be life-changing.

It was a big part of what helped catapult me into building my self-love and new identity.

In this video, I talk about 5 ways we can amplify our affirmations to make them work better for us!

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Melissa Schrank Melissa Schrank

Step Into Our Higher Self Every Morning!

A higher self script is the intention setting and framework for how you’re going to interact and show up in the world today.

It’s a great way to remind yourself every day, every week, whenever you need it, of who you are and who you want to be! Your higher self identity.

AND when we align your daily habits to the becoming of that identity, we reinforce that new identity every single day, thus building that muscle through repetition, and creating habit compound interest, further stepping into our next level!

Read on to learn how to create your own higher self script and step into your new identity of WHO YOU WANT TO BE, every single day 😊

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