5 Ways to Shift to a Good Mood

I’m finally writing this down..

I’ve been practicing these things below and it truly does help.

Of course with FLI, there’s a little law of attraction action going on here too- which I think does the most good 😊

The best tip I’ve got for ya is to write down your own go-to list of what gets you out of your ruts, bad moods, downward spirals, and so forth.

  1. Get Space

    • We have to slow the negative momentum down, so we don’t continue rolling down the hill on a negative spiral. Take a step away - a break. If you’re in the middle of something with work or school, mark your place to come back to later. Set the intention that the next hour or so is just for you. Let yourself have the break so you can come back a more aligned, whole, and productive person.

    • If you can, go somewhere quiet where you can be alone. Close your eyes & take several slow, deep breaths. Focus on your breathing until you feel a little calmer. Even better, try to take a nap.

  2. Reflect

    • Watch what you’re speaking about and thinking about.. to yourself and out loud. What you think and say is powerful as it reinforces your energy.

    • Notice your emotions. Our emotions indicate how much resistance we’re putting in the mix in relation to what we actually want to feel.

      • When we feel bad, we have more resistance to how we truly want to feel.

      • When we feel good, there’s little to no resistance, so feeling good comes easier, and it’s easier to build momentum on the good feelings. (Let the good times roll 😄)

  3. Redirect

    • Problems and solutions are on different frequencies. We have to get off the problem frequency for a bit so we can allow the opportunity of the solution to come in. Contrast (what we don’t want/the problem) always gives us clarity (on what we do want/the solution).

      • First, list out what’s derailing you.

      • Then next to each point, write out the opposite of that thing - what you actually want (to feel, to have, to experience).

    • This is the clarity that the contrast (what’s derailing you) is showing you. This clarity is giving you a new focal point to direct your focus and energy. Contrast is super helpful that way 😊 “Where focus goes, energy flows.”

  4. Relax

    • Now that we’ve found clarity from the contrast, we can relax into the solution frequency. Think about it in a peaceful state. This would be a good time to meditate, go for a walk, journal, or whatever combination of things that are relaxing to you, where you can let your mind wander on the clarity you just received!

  5. Get Inspired

    1. Document the clarity you received!

      1. This is a HUGE bonus.. if you wrote down your clarity points, keep them somewhere where you can pull them out again if needed. It can serve as a shortcut to make it easier to uplift yourself again next time. It will help shorten the time it takes to shift your mood and energy. Finding and tweaking the process of what works best for us, and then doing that repeatedly will help tremendously in dealing with a bad mood or negative emotion in general.

    2. Get in alignment with YOU.

      1. Do something else that you ENJOY, that gets you back into alignment. Is it going for a run, lifting weights, shooting hoops, drawing, painting, reading a book, or cleaning the house..? What makes you feel good and feel more like yourself? What makes you feel like a winner?

    3. Show kindness.

      1. An extremely positive way to take our mind off our problems for a while is to perform acts of kindness to someone or something else. Like.. smiling at people on your walk outside (everyone can benefit from a smile), reaching out to just say hello, handwriting a letter to a friend or family member, planning a birthday/anniversary surprise, or making a treat for someone.. Being kind not only fills your cup up and promotes healthy, happy hormones for yourself, but also brightens other people’s day. And.. kindness is contagious. It has a ripple effect. Feel good knowing you’re making a positive impact on the world.

    4. Laugh and be silly. Is there something that makes you laugh- a movie, quick video, meme, doing impersonations, a silly friend? Maybe go on a quick spree to find something funny and let loose.

  6. ⭐BONUS:

    1. Water - This might sound woo woo, but.. now that you have your breath back, get some water and rehydrate. Imagine it dissolving your issues away and clearing your mind and energy 😌

    2. Food - If you’re hungry, eat something super healthy & whole, like raw fruits and veggies, a juice or a smoothie - it feels super nourishing. Imagine it refueling your body with positive energy. 🍉✨

    3. Exercise - Exercise promotes the "happy hormones" - endorphins. Do it outside for a boost in serotonin too.

    4. Environment - change something in your environment, especially a space that you’re in often (like your office, kitchen, bathroom..) Accentuate the shift in mood by changing your atmosphere!

    5. Primp - Fix yourself up. Again.. this is accentuating the shift and stepping into the new you! 🦋

I’d love to know.. What gets you out of YOUR bad moods?

Stay FLI!


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