Manifesting Big Dreams

How do you navigate manifesting something you really really REALLY want, and are SO excited about,

But it just feels too BIG to receive it all at once?

This was a podcast topic I heard Abraham-Hicks talk about, and I definitely had to take note and share with you!

The Gap

Sometimes we want something really big, or want lots of things that roll together into this big, giant dream life and experience,

And we want it RIGHT NOW!

But then imagining the jump from where we are now to the place of having it all stops you in your tracks when you see the gap it takes to get from here to there.

That pause can offer your old belief system just enough opportunity to put up a roadblock and deter your thinking to all the things you’d need or would have to do in order to get there.

And that can derail your alignment, even just for a bit.

Receiving Mode

What Abraham explains is that all our future manifestations are in our “vortex.”

(Kind of like the vibrational place where all our desires, preferences, and alignment to them live)

If you’re familiar to Law of Attraction, you understand that to begin to manifest all these things we want, we have to get into receiving mode!

Receiving mode is the opposite of the yearning, wanting, and “trying to make things happen” mode.

The latter is coming from a place of lack.

And because the Law of Attraction is only about inclusion, you’re frequency is dialed into the “lack” position.

So you get more lack.

Bit by Bit

To get in the receiving mode for our BIG desires, we have to get primed, ready, and interested in receiving just some of what’s in our vortex..

Little by little..

One pleasant thing at a time 😊

So, what’s the first thought that’s appealing to you and that you don’t have that much resistance about?

Maybe what you want is to get in the best shape of your life, or meet the man/woman of your dreams.

Be ready and expectant for just part of the manifestation.

then the next part,

then the next part..

and so forth

It could be imagining dropping that first 5 pounds,

Running your first mile,

Signing up for that class and introducing yourself to new people..

Take small bites!

Visualize, Feel & Relax

Take any piece of what’s in our vortex-

It can be a single, simple, pleasurable thought that we visualize and feel excited and satisfied about,

And just let yourself visualize and feel the pleasurable emotions of being and living that out!

No effort, doing, or action is needed.

Relax, and accept that what’s in our vortex is already a reality.

Clear Path!

What’s so exciting is that when we do this, we tap in to something so important-

The perfect thought path to what you want is already in your vortex.


By directing our attention to our desires- without hindering thoughts and beliefs,

There is CLARITY!

The Law of Attraction has already summoned the cooperative components that have revealed the vibrational version to you,

(Which is the thought, the idea, the imagination of it)

And because “satisfaction resides in the evolution of the thought process and the witnessing of the becoming,

All is coming to you to the degree that you are ready and willing to RECEIVE it!”

What you want exists so that you’ll discover the components that you already put on your path that are in the vortex.

We already got there, now we just enjoy witnessing the unfolding 🤩

Stay FLI my friends!


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Time to Dream BIG