The Beginning

Well.. this is finally happening. I’m writing! I just have to get that out of the way because this is the start of something big for me I think.

Let’s just dive in a little..

Today has been such a busy day. I did get frustrated several times during work. That’s where most of my stress comes from, but I’ve been using all the contrast for clarity. That muscle of my mind is definitely getting stronger. What I don’t want shows me what I do want. And I don’t beat myself up as much now when I do let my frustration get to me. I let myself off the hook more, so I’m more relaxed. I just need a massage now :)

I just realized how random this blog is going to be with my paragraphs and stuff, but I can make this whatever I want, and I want to make this like a diary for myself. A place where I kind of document my epiphanies and life lessons. It’s just a start.

I had an epiphany a bit ago that the reason I keep all my journals, despite hardly ever going back to read through them and hoping no one else reads them, is because I WANT to go back and read them because they contain genuinely important messages to myself. All I do is try to uplift myself, and journaling is of the best ways I do that.

This morning, I caught myself in a moment where I had nothing to do but look at an old page I wrote, and after reading just a bit, I realized it really did lift me up! And if I’m writing this stuff and keeping it anyway, I may as well share it and maybe give some upliftment to someone else out there 😊✨

Day Takeaways:

  • You have to make the effort part of doing things feel good.

    • Learn to spike dopamine from effort itself.

    • A natural way is intermittent fasting.

    • As you tell yourself the benefit of what you’re doing is good for you, the more you’re enhancing the reward of the experience, and the more you can increase your dopamine.

  • Telling yourself that something is good for you will reinforce the extent in which it is good for you on a chemical level.

    • Hearing something that reinforces your prior beliefs actually can evoke dopamine release.

    • When we hear or see something that validates something we already believe, that itself can increase dopamine release.

  • source


Enjoy the Process