Inspired Action

Taking inspired action is exactly what it sounds like -

Taking action when the inspiration hits!

Inspiration - meaning something like divine guidance, following our intuition, following our heart, listening to our inner being, etc.

But the major key to tuning in to that inner voice of inspiration is to get in the right headspace first.

Or rather, you have to get in alignment.

Better yet, you almost have to be in alignment already.

And then it’s kind of all about learning how to stay there 😊

Finding and learning how to stay in alignment has been something I’ve been SO enjoying learning these past few years.

It’s getting in a flow state where thoughts or ideas will occur for me with clarity and enthusiasm and know that they come from a “higher” place.

That sounds so “woo woo”, but what I mean by higher is.. from a place where you’re already in a good mood, happy, and high vibing ✨

That’s where you connect with your inner voice & divine guidance.

And if you stay in that place for a moment, you can hear it clearer and clearer 😊


It’s what meditation does for us too.

It’s a practice.

And it’s so much fun to watch things unfold when you get into that flow state 😇

You just have to do whatever you enjoy doing that gets you into a state of high vibing, happy, clear thoughts.

I’ll usually want to start doodling or journaling to get ideas out, or.. taking some kind of inspired action!

Taking inspired action is super fun, but what about taking action on things you know you have to do, but don’t really want to do?

(The law of attraction can seem so tricky, but so worth playing with because it makes things so easy!)

One of these super saucy secrets to the law of attraction is that you have to make the journey fun right here, right now, and enjoy it to the ultimate maximum😄

So in searching for ways to learn how to be inspired to do the things you have to do but don’t feel inspired to do is going to be about setting your intention.


You have to set the intention around what you need to do.

Create the space.

Prime the environment!

Set the stage for making the process fun and easy!

Set the vibe up for beginning, flowing, building momentum, accomplishing, succeeding, and feeling the feeling of getting it done & done well!

That might look like sitting down with some hot tea (to remind you to chill)..

putting on some instrumental music, so you can enjoy, but be able to focus

maybe even talk out loud.. I do that 😉

lighting some incense, so even the air around you smells amazing


  1. Just gather what you need to do the thing.

  2. Prep the space (thinking of the senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound)

  3. Make it fun!

And if it’s something big, or if you have to, break it down and strategize - Create a game plan! 🏀

Setting the intention is getting the vibe right, making it easy to get in alignment with your, by making it more enjoyable to do, taking the first step, the next step, building momentum, and getting into flow.

And when you’re in flow, you achieve focus, things occur to you, and you might even have some fun 😀

Stay FLI!


A Great Week Ahead


Amp Up your Energy!