Random :)

I feel like I’m learning a lot right now. Lot’s of lessons, improvements, and just expanding.. It’s almost a little overwhelming, but really really fun, and I’m enjoying it!

Even my 9-5 has kept me super busy this week, but I’ve been having a blast kicking ass and trying all sorts of new things! And honestly, I’ve been having fun using my job as a tool to help me build on and live out my passion, and keep progressing!

Like here, with this blog :)

Here’s 3 big ideas from today:

  1. Don’t rush. Breathe Deeply. Practice mindfulness… 😌

    • Maybe, literally breathing deeper & through our nose all throughout the day will help us slow down and allow us to become more mindful and present.

  2. A productive & easy way to get exercise & bring up your energy

    (after you’ve been sitting at your desk for a long time & now you need to rev it up! 🔥)

    • Set a timer for 45 minutes

    • Move NON-STOP.

      • Don’t sit down.

      • Keep moving.

    • Clean the house, the yard, the car

    • Play with your kids, pets

    • Lift some weights, do some workout moves

    • Dance

    • Whatever! Just keep moving.

    • And drink WATER ONLY!

      (I’m going to try this out next week as one of my 45 minute workouts for 75 hard 😉)

  3. Weight Maintenance / How to stay pretty lean and still eat to your fill:


    • Fiber is an unsung hero. Among its claims to fame, a high-fiber diet can:

    • Soften stool and prevent constipation.

    • Lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease.

    • Reduce the risk of diseases such as colorectal cancer.

    • Keep blood sugar levels from spiking.

    • Make you feel full longer, which can help you lose weight.

    • Fiber comes from plants

    • Soluble fiber pulls in water. It slows digestion and lowers cholesterol. Soluble fiber is found in foods such as beans, seeds, peas, barley, oat bran and some fruits and vegetables.

    • Insoluble fiber is your classic roughage. It helps stool speed through the intestines. You’ll find it in foods such as whole grains, wheat bran and the peels and seeds of fruits and veggies.

    • Aim for 25 to 35 grams of fiber a day, Taylor says — and a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber is ideal.

    • Best Sources:

      • 1. Whole-wheat pasta

      • 2. Barley

      • 3. Chickpeas

      • 4. Edamame

      • 5. Lentils and split peas

      • 6. Berries

      • 7. Pears

      • 8. Artichokes hearts

      • 9. Brussels sprouts

      • 10. Chia seeds

      • 11. Haas avocados

      • A word of caution: Add fiber to your diet slowly (🚫bloating/cramping)

      • When adding fiber to your diet, be sure to drink enough water. Fiber pulls in water ✔ but if you aren’t drinking enough, it can make constipation worse. To keep things moving, drink at least 2 liters of fluids each day.


I’m going to practice these starting tomorrow :)

Now off to start my wind down routing and be my most beautiful best self 💖

I’s exactly 7:00 right now, so I’m going to drink more water, some decaf tea, take my suppies, and read this amazing book by Deepak Chopra, M.D. - Quantum Healing - Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine.

Night night, dearies. Sweet dreams!

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