Make Taking Action FUN

These are some of my thoughts from this weekend!

I have to say.. I’m extremely excited about these ideas, because I’ve already been noticing a difference and am LOVING it!

Create a daily devotion

  • to connect with your soul at the start your day

    • and then do more & more of what you love and what your purpose and passion is - all day long! 💖

Great reason to journal:

  • helps get stuff off your mind

  • and on to a TO DO (aka “PROGRESS”) list

  • so you can begin to make a plan of action to get it done!

PRIME for the next ACTION:

  • prime your mind for

    • the plan of action- what do you have to do

      • like go out to run errands: get yourself together, know where you’re going, what to take with you..

    • how to make it fun- think of the 5 senses

      • sound, smell, sight, taste, touch

  • prime the environment (the ingredients to make it fun)

    • setting up your space for making the plan of action fun

      • sound- put on some of new or your favorite tunes

      • smell- put on deo/perfume,

      • sight- get cute

      • taste- take a snack & some water to enjoy!

      • touch- be comfy]

How to make sure I succeed at 75 hard :)

I definitely wanted to talk about this, because I’m starting it.. again! I did it pretty successfully (for about 60 days with just a few “soft” days) in summer of 2020, and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself- ever.

So I’m going to do it again, because I love the way it made me feel, and I want to maintain my mental toughness as well as my level of self love and trust 💗

AND I want to document my experience and what tips that help me succeed and share it :)

Here’s some tips I learned so far:

  • drink 1/2 G >lunch & 1/2 G > dinner

  • get your workouts done before dark- catch the sun!

  • on warm mornings, get outside workout done early > option for cooler, indoor workout at night

  • on cold mornings, get indoor workout done early > get sun during the afternoon right after work

  • drink a glass of water after eating meals to clean palette & keep full

  • drink hot tea after dinner/dessert & before bed to relax & trigger time for sleep

Stay FLI!


Amp Up your Energy!


Random :)